
Thinking of Buying a Generator? Here's What You Need to Know!

Generators can be right little fuel-guzzling monsters if you buy the wrong one. And with petrol prices as crazy as they are lately, that's the last thing you want!

Look for models with an automated engine speed adjustment when you want to buy new generator in the UK. This nifty feature varies the revs to match the power load, rather than running wild at max speed constantly. Easy 30% fuel savings!

Inverter generators tend to be the most efficient overall with their advanced power output tuning. But even traditional generators can stretch fuel if you get an efficient design.

Keep an eye out for large reserve fuel tanks too. More capacity means you can run for ages without refilling.

The less you're forking out on petrol to keep your generator chugging, the better. A fuel-efficient model pays for itself before long.

Low Noise Levels for Peace and Quiet

Old school generators are loud as anything, aren't they? Like having a lawnmower engine bolted to your house! That racket gets old real quick.

If you want to actually enjoy your backup power without annoying the whole neighborhood, low noise operation is a must-have feature. 

Look for generators with an "enclosed inverter" design. The inverter module itself runs near silent, while the slick casing helps contain engine roar. 

Anything measuring under 60 decibels is widely considered whisper-quiet by generator standards. Your sleep and sanity shall be preserved.

Open frame generators will always be louder unless you build a special shed for them. So inverter models offering low 60s dB are the way to go for indoor/outdoor home use.

Electric Key Start With Battery

Taking a generator out of storage only to face-pull it into life is a terrible experience. Gashog engines are notoriously stubborn starters.

Do yourself a favor and get a generator with an easy electric start and battery built-in. Just flick the switch and it fires up like your car with no backache wrestling.

The battery also powers an automatic shutdown if the fuel ever runs dry or oil gets low. It'll save your generator instead of grenading the motor.

Those old recoil pulls and chokes are a relic from the past. Electric start generators win for dead-simple, hassle-free use you can rely on. Every time.

If you nail down generators with those key features, you'll buy a new generator in the UK with bulletproof backup power solution. One that keeps your essentials running without breaking the bank or your sanity!

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