
Blog posts tagged with 'used generators for sale uk'

Used vs. New Generators: Which One Keeps You Powered Up?

Avoid having your life interrupted by a power outage ever again. To guarantee that your power remains on the next time it goes out, Blades Power Generation offers used generators for sale in the UK. You can also choose to buy the new generators.

We also provide:

  •      Professional guidance in selecting the ideal generator solution for your house and specific requirements
  •      Propane and gas-powered whole-house generator choices with automatic transfer switches
  •      Expert installation and maintenance
  •      For eligible clients, attractive financing is offered
  •      You can get the round-the-clock assistance and support you require during storms, rain, hail, sleet, or snow

Finding out that your generator isn't functioning correctly after a storm is a horrible sensation. To ensure that your generator will start up when your electricity goes out, it is beneficial to prepare ahead and arrange a generator tune-up and buy new generator in the UK. The various ways these generators can be able to ease your and your loved ones' lives are listed.

Our backup generators are continually keeping an eye on the utility power connection and are permanently placed. The home generator consequently recognises a power outage and starts up automatically.

Compared to portable generators, standby generators can operate for longer. The amount of generator fuel you have on hand limits the power and runtime of portable generators. With dependable engines and direct connections to liquid propane, natural gas or other fuel source, our home generators can run for extended periods and generate enough electricity to supply dependable backup power for your house.

Even in the case of a power loss, both luxury and necessary appliances continue to operate.

Our generators come in a range of sizes and configurations and can power anything from lightbulbs to televisions and jacuzzi tubs. Maintain the necessities for your family and employ some home comforts to ease the stress of weathering the storm.

Your food will have a longer shelf life. You can keep your refrigerator operating with a generator. By keeping your freezer and refrigerator cold during a storm, you may preserve emergency supplies and save money by preserving food.

Wireless monitoring and other features are installed on generators. Premium features not seen in portable generators are installed in our used generators for sale in the UK.

You can either go for used generators or buy new generators in the UK. Wwhichever option you choose, you will benefit from a generator from Blades Power Generation. Reach out now.

Four Things to Look Into Before Purchasing a Used Generator

It's crucial to understand what to look for when you buy a used generator in the UK. For this reason, we suggest that you look at the below four items before making a purchase.

1. Examination of load banks

The goal of a mobile load bank unit is to simulate the operating load that your generator will experience when it is operating. It functions similarly to a big kettle in that it matches the generator's power output and makes sure the generator doesn't deteriorate to the point where it can no longer power the building and will eventually shut down.

2. Hours, Usage, and Age

Verifying the runtime, age, and use of the generator set you're interested in should be the first items on your list. The majority of generator engines, like automobiles, feature an odometer that indicates the engine's hours. Knowing what it was used for and whether it served as a continuous or backup power supply is useful. Also, check if the generator includes an automatic transfer switch.

Compared to a generator utilised as a primary power source, one used for standby or backup power will be better maintained and in better shape. However, bear in mind that dealers obtain generators through auctions and foreclosures; thus, they will not be aware of the generator's origins or past.

3. The Manufacturer's Standing

It is advised that you consider the history and reputation of the generator maker while searching for a secondhand generator. It should go without saying that any manufacturer with a poor reputation or low reviews needs to be avoided at all costs. It is wiser to make the investment and feel secure in the knowledge that you have selected a reputable company that makes dependable equipment.

4. Examining Visually

If you are unable to do so, then a qualified individual should examine all of the mechanical elements of a generator to see whether any have cracks or corrosion buildup. It is best to replace any items that turn out to be dubious. It's advisable to replace the bushings and bearings regardless of their function or condition because it's challenging to check for wear and tear on them. Ensure that the automatic transfer switches are in good working order,

We at Blade Power Generation sell our line of secondhand generators. Look it over and buy a used generator in the UK, the one that appeals to you. 

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Manual Changeover Switch?

Today as lives are powered by electronic appliances, it has become necessary to have an alternative source of electricity at all times. Moreover, to mitigate disruptions caused by power cuts, a backup power source is essential for smooth functioning and to keep productivity at its highest. The most common alternative power sources are generators or battery backup.

A manual transfer switch or MTS is used in diesel generators to switch between the primary power source and a generator in the event of power outages. Here, you must manually turn a handle or an alternative lever to switch on the generator. 

Advantages of an MTS:

If you are looking for a reliable backup power source within a budget, your search ends with a manual changeover switch. Here are eight benefits of using an MTS for your home and business:

  1. Manual changeover switch has a longer life span.
  2. They are convenient and best for use at homes or other spaces that do not require super-fast power transfer load shedding.
  3. MTSs are inexpensive and suitable for all budgets.
  4. The manual changeover switch is resistant to high voltage and has high mechanical endurance. They are not easily affected by frequency variations and are a reliable option with security.
  5. They are easy to install as no programming is needed.
  6. Manual changeover switches are easy to maintain.
  7. They are smaller in size and have a single-pole erection. Hence, there is no need to use unnecessary fixing sets for connections. 
  8. MTSs also help save energy by reducing the loss of power.

Disadvantages of an MTS:

Like all other equipment, a manual changeover switch also has some limitations, such as:

  1. Someone must switch on an MTS manually.
  2. The changeover time required is longer, especially if the generator is away from the building.

Although there are some drawbacks of an MTS, the advantages outweigh its limitations. 

In the end:

Be it a residential or commercial space, a 24/7 power supply is necessary. Since you cannot control power cuts, you can ensure a constant source of electricity for your facility by investing in a manual transfer switch. We offer state-of-the-art power backup to our large clientele ranging from homeowners or businesses. If you are tight on the budget and looking for inexpensive options, buy used UK generators from Blades Power Generation and light up your homes forever. 

There Are Advantages To Buying A Used Generator In The UK

It was William Shakespeare who wrote the words “Now is our winter of discontent” in his ‘Richard III’. However, in this instance he was referring to times being good, because those words were followed by “Made glorious summer by this sun of York”. It was a reference to the accession to the throne of Edward of the House of York. So, things were much better.

Unfortunately, in the UK at the moment, it seems we are only at the beginning of our winter of discontent, with all the strikes that are going on, the price of electricity, and the likelihood that we might not even have any. Heck, they’ve been without electricity on Shetland for four days now as I write this.

However, some of the residents of Shetland will be fine and have no issues. Why? Because they have their own power generator, so when the lights go out, they can keep theirs on. This is why so many people are beginning to sit up and take notice and are making enquiries about buying their own generator.

We have always taken electricity for granted for the last 100+ years, but it seems that that is no longer the case. And we don’t want to be sitting in a dark house freezing to death just because there is no power.

If you are one of those people thinking of doing something about it, why not consider the fact that you can buy used generators in the UK? Yes, at Blades Power Generation you can do exactly that: buy used generators in the UK. We have always got used generators for sale because people trade them in when they buy a new one. It’s exactly the same as buying a used car, which is what many people also do.

Why do some people buy a new generator? Well, many businesses that use them will expand, and when they do that, they may need a bigger generator to cope with their needs. That means that there is a second-hand market in generators. OK, they may have a few scratches or a dent in the bodywork, but so what? They still work!

If you do buy a used generator, you will need a changeover switch. The cheapest sort is a manual changeover switch as opposed to automatic. If you use a manual changeover switch you will need to fire up the generator yourself before you can switch over to it, but it is a lot less expensive than an automatic switch.

Why You Need A Standby Generator This Winter

Open any newspaper over the last few weeks and you will have seen dark threats about the possibility of power outage in the coming winter. What with the war in Ukraine and other factors, undersea gas pipes being cut by – well, your guess is as good as anyone’s.

But it all adds up to the fact that if we have a cold winter – and most winters get cold, and we need to turn the heating on – there could well be a shortage of electricity resulting in power cuts. 

What’s the perfect answer? Generate your own electricity! If you do that, you won’t have to worry when the power goes down because you will still have all the electricity that you need for your home. Your lights will stay on, you will be able to cook, and you can have as much heat as you wish. Oh - and you will be able to power up your laptop and mobile which are essential pieces of technology today. Where would we be without them?

Obviously, you will need to install a generator in your home, but it is by no means as costly as you might think. At Blades Power Generation, we have used generators for sale in the UK.

You might ask why you should find used generators for sale in the UK. Why wouldn’t you buy a new one? 

The Same As Buying A Used Car

The answer is very simple. It is exactly the same as buying a used car in the UK, which many, many people do. It saves a lot of money! OK, you don’t have the latest swanky, luxury leather seats and so on when you buy a used car, but when it comes to a generator, you are going to put it outside in the garden where you may hardly ever see it. For many families it makes total sense.

You will need a transfer switch so that you can switch to the generator when the power goes down, and you have the choice of an automatic transfer switch or a manual one. An automatic transfer switch does cost more than a manual one, but it has one great benefit. When the power goes out, your generator will fire up automatically and the lights will come back on in seconds, your TV will be on, and your dinner will be cooking in the oven. It makes sense, doesn’t it? 

Will There Be Power Cuts This Winter?

Are we going to get through the winter in the UK without having power cuts?  What are the odds?

Well, if you listen to the government, everything is going to be hunky-dory. No power cuts. No worries.

But would you like to put your money on it? Say, £100?


This is just one reason why so many people are considering investing in a standby generator to cover them if the worst really does happen. But there could be another one as well. It may well be cheaper to use a generator to produce your electricity than to use the mains.

You Are By No Means Alone

So, if you are considering investing in a generator for your home, you are by no means alone. The size of generator that you will need depends upon how much electricity you need to produce which, in turn, will depend upon the number, type, and size of the electrical products you use. The bigger the generator – not just in terms of sheer size but in the amount of electricity it can generate – the more it will cost.

However, you don’t necessarily have to buy a new generator, as at Blades Power Generation we have used generators for sale in the UK. And before you say: “uh oh, I don’t want a second-hand generator”, why ever not? If you are like most people, you will have bought a second-hand car in the past. You may even have one now. Buying a second-hand generator is just the same.

In fact, we always have a selection of used generators for sale in the UK. Many businesses use generators, and what happens is that they expand and take on extra work and produce more products. So, they need a bigger generator to produce more electricity, so they trade in the old one with us.

You will also need a transfer switch to transfer from mains to generator when the power goes down, and you can use a manual transfer switch or an automatic one. If you use a manual transfer switch you have to start the generator and then switch over to it when it is up and running. An automatic transfer switch – as the name implies – does it all for you. It is more expensive than a manual one, but the choice is yours.

Why You May Well Want To Buy A Generator In The Next Few Weeks

You can hardly open a paper or switch on the TV news these days without seeing all the doom and gloom. What is, in one respect, fascinating about the cost of electricity and heating this coming winter is the fact that it seems to go up by a few hundred pounds every day. Only a couple of weeks ago the energy price cap was going to be £3,200 or so. Then it went to £3,500. Then £4,250. And then at the weekend, it was quoted somewhere as £5,500!

No matter which set of figures you believe, one thing is for sure, and that is that energy bills are going to skyrocket over the next few months. This is why more and more homeowners are considering buying a generator because there are two main advantages. First, you have a standby power unit if the electricity goes down – which does seem as though it is becoming more likely. Second, it may well now be a very considerable amount cheaper to generate your own electricity rather than use the usual supplier.

Of course, you do have to take into account the cost of buying a generator in the first place, and to a large extent that will be decided by the amount of power that you need to produce for your home or business. That is a subject for another day.

You Don’t Necessarily Need A New Generator

However, you don’t necessarily need to buy a new generator because you can find used generators for sale in the UK. It is very similar to buying a used car. Very often businesses that use generators will need to upgrade and get a larger one as they expand, and so they trade in the old one. As one of the foremost generator suppliers in the UK, at Blades Power Generation, we always have a stock of used generators for sale in the UK that customers have traded in with us.

You will also need a changeover switch for when the power goes down, and you can get a manual one or an automatic changeover switch. If you have a manual switch, it means that when the power goes down you have to fire up your generator and then switch over to it.

An automatic changeover switch does this, well, er, automatically! So, when the power goes down it will fire up your generator and – boom! – the lights are back on in a matter of seconds.


Power Outages Will Become Much More Frequent Very Soon

In another very recent article, we wrote that now is the perfect time to get yourself a standby generator for your home because of the serious threats of more and more power outages in the not-too-distant future.

However, while we mentioned climate change and the loss of Russian gas causing issues with power generation, and power outages as a result of more frequent and worse storms, there is another thing that is about to happen any day now, and that is rail strikes caused as a result of decisions taken largely by the RMT Union.

This union has announced rail strikes on June 21st, 23rd, and 25th across the whole of Britain with some 50,000 employees going on strike. (This is despite the fact that the average rail worker has an income of £46,000 compared with £37,000 for teachers and £32,000 for nursing staff). The result will be that because of varying shifts, there will be virtually no trains for a week, and in turn that will affect delivery to power stations, leading to further disruption and more power outages. Not only that, but the union has stated that if the employers do not accede to their wishes, this will go on all summer!

Just another very good reason why you need to consider buying a standby generator for your home or business right away!


Look No Further

If you are looking for new generators for sale in the UK, then look no further than Blades Power Generation. We have a huge range of different new generators for sale in the UK, from very small ones to those that can power a large business when the electricity goes down. Look at it this way: things regarding electric power are only going to get worse, not just in the short term but for the long term.

When you install a standby generator, you need to be aware of certain legal requirements. Chief of these is that you must install a transfer switch.

This can be an automatic transfer switch or a manual one. When you have a manual transfer switch, as the name suggests, you have to start your generator by hand when the power goes down and then switch over from the mains once it is up and running.

On the other hand, an automatic transfer switch does the job for you. It detects when the power has gone down, fires up your generator, and then when it is running at full power, automatically switches from mains to generator. The result is that you will only be without power for a matter of seconds before the lights come on again.

Standby Generators Are Becoming More Important In Today’s World

In today’s world we are almost totally dependent upon electricity – far more so than even 50 years ago. Back in the day, we didn’t have computers, but today it is almost impossible to run a business without one. Even a local convenience store which deals largely with cash may not need a laptop for the actual serving of customers, but you can bet that the owner has one for ordering stock and supplies, keeping track of stock levels, and so on. Electricity is also necessary to keep the fridges running. So, electricity is vital.

However, with the increase in the use of electricity comes the possibility of more power outages. This is increased further by climate change which seems to be bringing us more frequent and very heavy storms, which in turn can bring down power lines. So, if you run any sort of business, it makes sense to invest in a standby generator in order that you can keep going when the power doesn’t.

Used Generators

But you don’t have to invest in a brand new one if you only run a small business or need one for your home. You can buy used generators in the UK for considerably less than a new one. In fact, when you buy used generators in the UK it is just like buying a used car. Sure, if you can afford the very latest swanky Mercedes Benz or a Roller, then you might want to buy one. But a second-hand Nissan Juke will get you around just as well.

You can buy used generators in the UK for under £500 at Blades Power Generation. Of course, you then have to add in the cost of installation as well. And you will need a transfer switch. This is a legal requirement because it stops the mains power coming into contact with the generator, which would almost certainly burn out if this happened. It also stops the generator from back feeding the mains when it has failed, endangering the lives of electricity utility workers.

You can buy an automatic transfer switch (ATS) or a manual transfer switch. An automatic transfer switch does what it says on the tin, so when the power goes down it will fire up the generator and you will have power back on within seconds. However, a manual transfer switch costs a lot less than an ATS. It does mean, of course that you have to fire up the generator and then switch over. This is OK if someone is on the premises but could prove difficult if you need to keep the power running even though you are not there. You need to consider your options. 

Should You Buy A Generator For Your Home?

More and more people today are investing in a standby generator for their homes because of the possibility of greater numbers of power outages. There is a definite increase in violent storms, the like of which we have not seen since October 15th 1987, and these can bring down power lines and cause blackouts.

Buying and installing a standby generator for your home or business will give you the peace of mind that you know you will still have power if or when the worst happens.

To some extent, a standby generator is a matter of choice. For some people, even one blackout is enough to warrant a purchase, but if you live in an area with frequent (more than three a year) or long blackouts, then it becomes something of a necessity.

Generators come in different sizes, depending upon the mount of power that you need. This is not just related to the size of your home, but more to the complexity, or otherwise, of your electrical system, especially if you have air conditioning. You will need an electrician to calculate the size of generator that you need.

Manual or Automatic Changeover Switches?

You also need to decide whether to install a manual changeover switch or buy an automatic transfer switch in the UK. If you have a manual changeover switch, it means that when the power goes down you will have to manually start the generator and then switch over when it is up and running. That’s OK if you are at home or on your business premises when the power goes down, but it means that if you are not at home then there will be no electricity. In turn, that means that your fridge and freezer won’t be running, along with anything else such as a water heater or the heater that keeps the tank of your pet gecko at the right temperature.

If you buy an automatic transfer switch in the UK, then that will detect the power outage, fire up the generator and then automatically switch over, so your home is only without power for a matter of seconds.